Start your Entertainment Membership
You’re in control. Stream with no contract, or lock in a lower price for longer.
6-Month Saver
£9.99 £6.99
a month. 6-month minimum term.
Saving based on fully flexible price.
Save 30% when you join for longer
Stream unmissable TV shows
Includes ads. You can choose to go ad-free1 in the next step.
After the 6-month minimum term, Entertainment Membership auto-renews at £9.99 a month, unless cancelled. Cancel anytime effective at the end of the minimum term. Standard Memberships include ads, unless you have Boost or Ultra Boost. 1 Ad-free excludes live channels and trailers promoting NOW content. Not available to third party billed customers, e.g. Vodafone, Apple, EE etc.
6-Month Saver Bundle
£19.98 £13.99
a month. 6-month minimum term.
Saving based on fully flexible price.
Save 30% when you join for longer
Stream unmissable TV shows
Enjoy the latest blockbusters
Includes ads. You can choose to go ad-free1 in the next step.
After the 6-month minimum term Entertainment and Cinema Memberships auto-renew at £9.99 a month each. Cancel anytime effective at the end of the minimum term. Standard Memberships include ads, unless you have Boost or Ultra Boost. 1 Ad-free excludes live channels and trailers promoting NOW content. Not available to third party billed customers, e.g. Vodafone, Apple, EE etc.
Fully Flexible
a month. Cancel anytime.
Join in with no contract
Stream unmissable TV shows
Includes ads. You can choose to go ad-free1 in the next step.
Entertainment Membership auto-renews at £9.99 a month, unless cancelled. Cancel anytime. Standard Memberships include ads, unless you have Boost or Ultra Boost. 1 Ad-free excludes live channels and trailers promoting NOW content.
Trending TV shows
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Stream every episode
Stream every episode
Trending movies
Watch with a Cinema Membership
Coming soon
Box sets and blockbusters arriving across Entertainment and Cinema
Streaming from 2 January
Streaming from 25 December
Streaming from 25 December
Frequently asked questions
What is NOW?
NOW is the easy way to stream the movies and shows you want, when you want. All you need to get started is an internet connection and a compatible device.
What is an Entertainment Membership?
An Entertainment Membership gives you access to unmissable shows, HBO box sets, new and exclusive Sky Originals and live Sky channels.
What devices can I watch NOW on?
You can watch NOW on over 60 different devices. Watch online at or download the app to watch on the go. For a full list of compatible devices and what to do, click here.
What is a Cinema Membership?
A Cinema Membership gives you access to the latest blockbusters and new and exclusive Sky Original films every month.